Village in Shaanxi embarks on journey of rural revitalization

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Editor's Note:

China Rural Revitalization magazine has published a series of articles on the rapid development and transformation of rural China. The articles reflect the arduous efforts of rural revitalization across the country, which is an important and genuine solution to China's rural economic development. In the future, articles selected from this series will be published.

An aerial view of Haojiaqiao village in Suide county, Yulin, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province Photo: Courtesy of China Rural Revitalization magazine

An aerial view of Haojiaqiao village in Suide county, Yulin, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province Photo: Courtesy of China Rural Revitalization magazine

Haojiaqiao is a small village located on the Loess Plateau in Suide county, Yulin, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The village has gained recognition for the development of its rural collective economic cooperative, and it has made great efforts to develop key industries such as agriculture and tourism, through initiatives like fruit and vegetable greenhouse projects and orchards.

In recent years, the village has seen improvements in infrastructure and income growth, supported by government policies aimed at sustainable development. These efforts include leveraging the village's historical and cultural resources to boost its economy while modernizing agricultural practices for better productivity.

Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to the village of Haojiaqiao on September 14, 2021, and visited the home of a villager whose family was lifted out of poverty.

Xi stressed that making villagers live a better life is the unswerving mission and aspiration of the Party. He urged the whole Party and the nation to carry forward the spirit forged in the fight against poverty to secure new and greater victories in fully building a modern socialist China.

When leaving the village, Xi expressed his hope for the villagers to continue upholding the fine traditions and make further efforts in building their village into a model of rural vitalization.

Targeted measures

At the entrance of the Haojiaqiao village, there stands a large stone monument bearing seven eye-catching red characters that read: "Haojiaqiao: Rural Model," embodying the revolutionary memories and history of the village. 

Activating land resources has been a priority in Haojiaqiao's transformation, with careful planning required to address the issue of idle planting areas. 

With the support by Party committees and local governments at all levels, Haojiaqiao village has undergone a profound reform including promoting the reform of rural collective property rights system for better allocating farmland resources and funds, in addition to establishing an economic shareholding cooperative. 

Haojiaqiao has 2,800 mu(186.67 hectares) of farmland. As part of the overall plan, 2,000 muof mountainous land is designated for the development of an ecological orchard, 300 muof flatland for facility-based agriculture, and the remaining 500 muis reserved for grain cultivation.

Once a role model, it remains shining today. On February 25, 2021, Haojiaqiao village was awarded a role model in China's poverty alleviation fight, during a grand gathering in Beijing to mark the nation's poverty alleviation accomplishments and honor model poverty fighters, indicating Haojiaqiao village's unwavering determination in the fight against poverty. 

An aerial view of a primary school in Haojiaqiao village Photo: Courtesy of China Rural Revitalization magazine

An aerial view of a primary school in Haojiaqiao village Photo: Courtesy of China Rural Revitalization magazine


The village's collective economic cooperative enlisted experts from agricultural research institutions for guidance and ultimately decided to develop fruit and vegetable greenhouses equipped with intelligent irrigation and fertilization systems, tailored to the local natural conditions.

Hao Changxiong, 56, who started to work outside Haojiaqiao village at the age of 20, signed a 15-year contract for 500 muof apricot orchards. When the harvest season arrives, Hao is busy with meeting orders from clients nationwide. 

Given the popularity of local agricultural products, Hao decided to work with tourism companies to promote Haojiaqiao's agriculture-integrated tourism, and expand his business scale.

In terms of red tourism, Haojiaqiao signed cooperation agreement with a state-owned tourism company in 2022 offering patriotic-themed training for government departments, enterprises, schools, and associations.

Haojiaqiao's unique development model, which integrates red tourism, talent training, and agricultural industry, has set the village on a path of comprehensive growth across the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. In 2023, the village's collective economic income reached 2.11 million yuan ($0.3 million), with a per capita disposable income of 21,560 yuan.

'Making further efforts'

In 2022, local government officials conducted overall on-site visits across 644 households and 1,637 residents of Haojiaqiao village, which helped them assess the income structure, family situations, development aspirations, and challenges faced by villagers, in order to put in place corresponding measures. 

Haojiaqiao village has been steadily developing a comprehensive public service system, which now includes a primary school, kindergarten, senior center, clinic, service center, and supermarket.

The senior center is fully equipped with restaurants, entertainment and study rooms, a lounge, and staffed by professional chefs and caregivers. Its focus is providing meals and daily support for local senior citizens, ensuring their comfort and well-being.

The village clinic offers basic healthcare services, eliminating the need for residents to travel elsewhere for minor ailments. The primary school in the village is equipped with a computer room, laboratory, and painting and calligraphy studio, offering qualified education environment for local children.
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 08:34:05
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