UEFA European Championship already offering highlights for Chinese fans

百科UEFA European Championship already offering highlights for Chinese fans已关闭评论 55757阅读模式
Soccer player Christian Eriksen

Soccer player Christian Eriksen

In the first round of Group C matches at the 2024 UEFA European Championship on Monday, Denmark drew 1-1 with Slovenia. The most touching part of the game for fans was when Christian Eriksen, three years on from suffering a cardiac arrest in the last European Championship, scored a crucial goal for Denmark. 

Eriksen's triumph over death was a fairytale moment for Denmark that deeply moved countless fans.

For Chinese Manchester United fans, Eriksen's return was particularly joyful. He not only scored a goal but was also named man of the match, showcasing his strength and value.

One netizen, @Jiu Zhuangshi, commented on Weibo: "Death did not take him, and illness did not stop him. He embodies the indomitable spirit of humanity, proving with his actions that he never gives up."

On the same day, Nicolae Stanciu, who previously played for Wuhan Three Towns Football Club in the Chinese Super League, scored a stunning goal to help Romania beat Ukraine 3-0. Faced with numerous reporters, Stanciu prioritized questions from Chinese journalists.

"I want to say thank you to the Chinese fans. I am very grateful for their support of the Romanian national team. I have many wonderful memories from China. We won the league championship and the Super Cup, and Wuhan and its people are great. I wish Wuhan Three Towns Football Club all the best for the future," Stanciu said.

The official Weibo account of Wuhan Three Towns Football Club responded, "Go, Nico! Take our gifts and blessings, and continue to shine at the European Championship!"

A fan named @ZhouZhou commented on his social media: "The best foreign player in Wuhan, the man who kicks free kicks like they're penalties!"

On Tuesday, in the first round of Group D matches, tournament favorites France secured a 1-0 victory over Austria. However, star player Kylian Mbappe was injured near the end of the match, suffering a nasal fracture and having to leave the game.

Mbappe will miss the next match against the Netherlands, and it's currently unclear how long he will be out. In coach Didier Deschamps' tactical system, Mbappe remains an indispensable element. 

After the match, Mbappe jokingly asked on social media if anyone had recommendations for a mask.

While some Chinese fans expressed concern about this unexpected situation affecting the French team, more were joking about it.

"Try the green fish mask from the Ugly Stuff competition. It could have the added benefit of distracting opponents on the field!" one Chinese netizen quipped.

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 04:54:41
  • 转载请注明:http://n1r6r0.uurk.cn/news/936e398750.html


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