GT Voice: S.Korean plant fire a painful lesson, calls for safety probe

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Firetrucks arrive at the fire scene at the lithium battery factory in South Korea on June 24,<strong></strong> 2024. Photo: CCTV

Firetrucks arrive at the fire scene at the lithium battery factory in South Korea on June 24, 2024. Photo: CCTV

The lithium battery factory fire in South Korea, which tragically claimed the lives of 17 Chinese nationals, has captured public attention and sparked concerns regarding the working conditions of Chinese workers abroad.

Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming arrived at the scene of the Hwaseong battery plant fire in South Korea's Gyeonggi Province late on Monday.

"The Chinese Embassy in South Korea is working closely with South Korean authorities to do our utmost in handling the aftermath of the accident. I hope that the relevant South Korean companies will learn from this painful lesson and take effective measures to prevent similar accidents in the future and ensure the safety and health of Chinese citizens in South Korea," Xing said.

As an industrialized country, South Korea is generally considered to have high safety standards and working conditions. 

Battery manufacturing, as an important part of the new-energy industry, has consistently received support from both the South Korean government and businesses. Therefore, we urge South Korea to conduct a thorough investigation into the tragedy, and offer the Chinese side an explanation.

The fire is not just a sudden accident; it also serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting the rights and safety of Chinese workers abroad.

In recent years, the rapid growth of the Chinese manufacturing sector has not only laid the groundwork for the expansion of Chinese companies, but has also opened up opportunities for workers to improve their skills and knowledge. As technology continues to advance, Chinese workers are gaining growing recognition in the global market for their expertise in various professional fields.

In 2023, Chinese companies dispatched a total of 347,000 service workers overseas, an increase of 88,000 from the previous year. By the end of the year, Chinese companies had a total of 541,000 service workers working overseas, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce.

Moreover, it is becoming more common for Chinese nationals to pursue job opportunities from foreign companies in countries like South Korea, especially in labor-intensive industries such as electronics and battery manufacturing. Not only have Chinese workers increased their incomes, but they have also brought vitality to the local economy through their skills and hard work.

However, while working abroad may offer higher earning potential, it also comes with a variety of risks and challenges for Chinese workers. These include language barriers, cultural differences, inadequate legal protection, adapting to new work environment and labor regulations, and potential work safety risks. Therefore, there is a growing urgency to protect the rights and interests of Chinese workers overseas.

Against this backdrop, the recent fire in South Korea is not just a tragic loss for the victims and their families, but also a reminder of the increasing urgency to protect the rights and interests of Chinese workers overseas. This endeavor necessitates the collective efforts of the government, businesses, and all members of society, both in China and in the countries where Chinese workers are employed.

First and foremost, relevant Chinese authorities should continue to strengthen the protection of Chinese workers overseas. This entails advocating for international collaboration on labor protection policies and enhancing communication and coordination with other governments regarding labor rights protection. 

Also, the government should work to further improve communication and coordination with foreign countries to ensure swift responses in emergency scenarios and offer essential assistance and support.

Second, as the direct employer of overseas workers, companies have the responsibility to safeguard the safety and interests of their workers. It is imperative for enterprises to implement a sound safety management system, provide regular safety training and conduct regular emergency drills to enhance workers' safety awareness and workplace familiarity.

Furthermore, Chinese workers themselves need to enhance their own awareness. In the process of working abroad, they need to understand and abide by the local laws and regulations and safety norms, actively participate in safety education and training, and improve their own safety prevention ability.

It is hoped that, through the efforts of all parties, similar incidents could be prevented from happening again.
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 01:38:39
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