South African government welcomes COP27 draft outcomes text

综合South African government welcomes COP27 draft outcomes text已关闭评论 361阅读模式
Participants tour the Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center,<strong></strong> in Egypt's Red Sea resort city of the same name, during the COP27 climate conference on November 14, 2022. The COP27 is held from November 6 to 18. Photo: AFP

Participants tour the Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center, in Egypt's Red Sea resort city of the same name, during the COP27 climate conference on November 14, 2022. The COP27 is held from November 6 to 18. Photo: AFP

The South African government on Saturday welcomed the draft outcomes text to the 27th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27).

COP27 was held in Egypt from November 6 to Friday. The South African government said the draft captures many issues which were discussed including the urgency of climate change.

"The draft correctly frames the climate crisis and its solutions in terms of the sustainable development goals and just transitions, leaving no one left behind, and the need for broader financial sector reform to achieve these," said Peter Mbelengwa, spokesperson of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.

Mbelengwa said South Africa expects the multilateral development banks and international financial institutions to take decisive action to scale-up climate finance in 2023 and make their institutional arrangements fit for the purpose.

South Africa believes further urgent action is required to meet developed countries' obligations, Mbelengwa said.

Mbelengwa also said the country welcomed the urgent new financing arrangements and a mechanism to address damage caused by climate change for developing countries.

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 02:57:23
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