Dubai Press Club hosts ninth edition of Emirati Media Forum

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Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Second Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Media Council, Dubai Press Club (DPC) today organised the ninth edition of the Emirati Media Forum (EMF).

The forum, which featured the participation of Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, brought together Emirati media personalities, heads of UAE media organisation, and leading columnists, writers and intellectuals.

Highlighting the significance of the forum, Sheikh Ahmed said local media play a critical role in addressing key issues facing the local society and economy. He pointed out that the media acts as a key platform for mirroring the aspirations of society. A strong media that can make sense of complex factors shaping the world and delivering content that advances society’s best interests is vital for navigating the multitude of changes we are seeing today, he noted.

Sheikh Ahmed said the Emirati Media Forum provides the local media community a platform for a meaningful dialogue on effectively covering the massive shifts sweeping the globe. The event is aligned with the UAE's efforts to enhance its global stature as a business, investment and tourism destination, under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

Sheikh Ahmed urged Emirati media to combine their resources and capabilities to tell the remarkable stories of success, innovation and growth emerging from the UAE. He stressed the need to ensure the UAE’s narrative is heard by global audiences. It is important to showcase the country’s achievements including its exceptional rankings in global competitiveness indices and its ability be at the forefront of rapid technological changes, he added.

Sheikh Ahmed expressed his confidence in the ability of local media professionals to maintain high ethical standards and journalistic objectivity to contribute to the comprehensive development of the nation. He emphasised the importance of providing youth with opportunities to contribute innovative ideas, which will help raise excellence in the industry. Sheikh Ahmed also highlighted the role of the Dubai Media Council in advancing the development of the media industry by fostering productive partnerships, nurturing media talent, and encouraging creativity and innovation in the sector.

Mona Al Marri, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director of the Dubai Media Council, and President of the Dubai Press Club, said that this year’s forum is focused on discussing vital economic issues. Against the backdrop of the UAE’s remarkable recent economic surge, demonstrated by its non-oil foreign trade exceeding AED3.5 trillion in 2023, the forum discussed how the media can contribute to building on the country’s achievements to accelerate its path to a brighter future and strengthen its status as one of the world’s leading destinations for economic opportunity.

She also emphasised that the media plays a crucial role both in understanding the present and shaping the future. Skilled media professionals capable of accurately interpreting data are vital to enhance local media’s capabilities to offer an incisive picture of current economic developments and future prospects.

Al Marri emphasised the critical role of local media in articulating the UAE's vision for development. Going beyond the mere application of advanced skills and tools, this endeavour is deeply rooted in a passion for excellence. She said strategic communication and high levels of media capabilities are crucial in establishing the UAE's leadership in diverse fields.

She reiterated the Dubai Press Club’s commitment to providing high-powered platforms like EMF for Emirati media thought leaders to exchange perspectives on the major issues that are driving the future of the sector. Al Marri noted that constantly raising professional and ethical standards in the industry in ways that align with both Emirati values and international best practices are key to raising the global stature of the local media industry.
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 09:32:28
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