AIM Congress 2024 concludes its promotional tour in China

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The organising committee of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) Congress concluded its promotional tour in China as part of a major promotional and marketing campaign for its 13th edition. The goal is to enhance the flourishing economic partnership between the United Arab Emirates and the People's Republic of China.

AIM Congress, held under the theme "Adapting to a Shifting Investment Landscape: Harnessing New Potentials for Global Economic Development", is organised with the support of the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology and with the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) as lead partner. The summit is scheduled to take place from May 7 to 9 next year.

The promotional campaign kicked off through the summit's representative offices in several European and Asian countries, participating in various global, regional, and local investment exhibitions and events. It also utilised social media platforms and traditional/electronic media to target participants and interested visitors from different continents.

The campaign aims to promote the AIM Congress, a globally leading "Annual Investment Forum" bringing together elite leaders and decision-makers worldwide to discuss, exchange experiences, and share opinions on addressing investment challenges. The goal is to reshape the global trade and investment landscape towards a prosperous and sustainable global economy.

Dawood Al Shezawi, President of the AIM Congress and the AIM Global Foundation, emphasised the vital role the summit plays in facilitating communication among global leaders and key stakeholders in the investment field. It aims to stimulate collaboration and joint efforts, shedding light on developments in the global investment landscape and proposing innovative solutions to current and future challenges. He also highlighted the depth of economic relations between the UAE and China and the potential for further growth and collaboration.

The promotional campaigns resulted in meetings with several Chinese government entities and international organisations in Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen, and Beijing. Discussions with the Department of Industry and Information Technology in Guangzhou focused on exploring collaboration between Chinese factories and Emirati companies.

The campaign included meetings with representatives of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce (HKCCO) and the Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce, highlighting investment and entrepreneurship in the UAE. In Quanzhou, local representatives expressed interest in participating in the 2024 AIM Congress to enhance cooperation in various investment areas, particularly in the petrochemical industry.

In Beijing, the promotional campaign collaborated with the EU-China Commission, Yinke Law Firm, and the China Science and Technology Training Centre of the China Academy of Science. Several parties expressed interest in participating in the thirteenth edition of the AIM Congress, and discussions on cooperation and joint efforts took place, resulting in the signing of memoranda of understanding.

According to reports from the UAE Ministry of Economy, China is the third-largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows to the UAE, amounting to AED 23.3 billion (US$6.3 billion) in 2020. These investments primarily focus on trade, finance, insurance, and real estate, demonstrating the diversity and strength of economic ties.

Non-oil trade between the UAE and China reached nearly AED 284 billion in 2022, marking a 27 percent increase from 2021 and an impressive 80 percent growth compared to 2018. The UAE is the largest Arab trading partner of China, representing 30 percent of China's non-oil trade with Arab countries.

AIM Congress 2024, to be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), is expected to attract a diverse audience, including government entities, private businesses, international and regional civil society organisations, associations, and academic institutions from around the world. The goal is to engage in meaningful discussions, foster communication, and explore investment prospects in various sectors.
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 02:12:28
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