Central govt appoints veteran diplomat as new commissioner of Chinese FM in Hong Kong

综合Central govt appoints veteran diplomat as new commissioner of Chinese FM in Hong Kong已关闭评论 258阅读模式
Cui Jianchun,<strong></strong> Chinese foreign ministry's new commissioner in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Photo: courtesy of official site of the Commissioner's Office of the ministry

Cui Jianchun, Chinese foreign ministry's new commissioner in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Photo: courtesy of official site of the Commissioner's Office of the ministry

The central government appointed Cui Jianchun, the former Chinese ambassador to Nigeria, as Chinese foreign ministry (FM)'s commissioner in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Wednesday. 

The Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee welcomed the appointment on Wednesday, saying that with the support of the ministry and the Commissioner's Office, the city has consistently developed its external affairs in accordance with the Basic Law, expanding Hong Kong's external exchanges and cooperation to enhance its international influence and competitiveness. 

Cui previously served as Chinese ambassador to Nigeria. According to official records, Cui, born in July 1964, holds a Master's degree in business administration. 

He had a long tenure with the China National Nuclear Corporation and served as the director of the international cooperation and development department for the organization in 2010.

Starting in 2011, Cui transitioned into the diplomatic system, holding positions such as Minister Counselor at the Chinese Embassy in France, Chinese ambassador to Kuwait, Deputy Director-General of the Consular Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2016, he worked as Chinese ambassador to Guyana.

In April 2021, Cui was appointed the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria.

Liu Guangyuan, the former commissioner of the Chinese FM in Hong Kong, was appointed as deputy director of the central government's liaison office in Hong Kong in July 2023. 

The Commissioner's Office also provides consular protection and appropriate assistance to Hong Kong residents encountering issues overseas.

Cui is an experienced diplomat with extensive experience accumulated during his postings abroad, and Lee firmly believes that under Cui's leadership, the Commissioner's Office will continue to work closely with the HKSAR government to advance various initiatives, Lee said. 

The HKSAR government will continue to align with the overall strategy of the ministry, providing accurate explanations of the latest developments in Hong Kong to overseas audiences, and effectively conveying the stories of Hong Kong and the One Country, Two Systems principle, Lee said. 

Global Times 

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 08:41:38
  • 转载请注明:http://n1r6r0.uurk.cn/news/616e399055.html

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