PLA Southern Theater Command conducts live

休闲PLA Southern Theater Command conducts live已关闭评论 21229阅读模式
Photo: CFP

Photo: CFP

The Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will organize its land and air forces to conduct live-fire air defense exercises on the Chinese side of China-Myanmar border starting from Wednesday, the Southern Theater Command confirmed in a statement on Wednesday.

The exercise is in accordance with the country’s annual training plan and aims to test the reconnaissance and early warning, air defense amongst other capabilities.

The theater command has been always prepared to respond to various emergencies and is committed to safeguarding national sovereignty, the border stability, and the safety of people’s lives and property, said the statement.

In response to a question related to the drills conducted by the PLA Southern Theater Command and whether China will mediate talks between Myanmar military and armed groups, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian said on Wednesday that China’s position on the situation in Myanmar remains consistent and clear.

“China calls on all parties to stop the fighting, resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation and in peaceful means, and avoid any escalation of the situation,” Lin said at Tuesday’s regular press briefing, in response to a question related to Myanmar’s ongoing situation.

On April 1, the Southern Theater Command released a notice about live-fire drills on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border, saying that it would start at 8 am on April 2 and last through 6 pm on April 3, in accordance with the annual training plan. It reminded vehicles and personnel entering this area to comply with traffic control measures.
In November 2023, the PLA Southern Theater Command carried out a series of live combat exercises and drills along the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border. Experts believe this was done to safeguard the stability of border areas and ensure the safety of personnel amidst the civil unrest in Myanmar.

Global Times 
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 10:22:41
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