China’s MSS unveils overseas spy gadgets disguised as USB flash drives, pens

探索China’s MSS unveils overseas spy gadgets disguised as USB flash drives, pens已关闭评论 8阅读模式
Photo: WeChat account of China's Ministry of State Security

Photo: WeChat account of China's Ministry of State Security

China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) on Thursday disclosed a case in which a device resembling a USB flash drive turned out to be a covert eavesdropping device, reminding the public to be cautious of seemingly inconspicuous devices. Once they are used for espionage activities, they become specialized espionage equipment, posing a threat to the national security.

For example, a pen with a hidden camera could be used by spies to secretly photograph sensitive documents. Miniature drones that resemble insects can be used for information gathering with their tiny capture devices. These covert tools highlight the potential dangers of seemingly harmless objects in our surroundings, according to the ministry.

A Chinese business delegation participating in a development project bid overseas discovered a listening device disguised as a USB flash drive in a box of napkins delivered to their private dining room. They immediately reported it to the Chinese Embassy in the country. 

The device was brought back to China, and after identification by national security authorities, it was confirmed that the device had two miniature microphones, a lithium battery, a hidden micro button for operation control and digital encryption recording capabilities, said the ministry.

Detailed rules for the implementation of the Counter-Espionage Law stipulate that "specialized espionage equipment" refers to equipment such as covert eavesdropping and surveillance equipment, and electronic monitoring and interception equipment used to obtain intelligence. National security authorities are responsible for the confirmation of specialized espionage equipment.

According to China's Counter-Espionage Law, no individual or organization shall illegally produce, sell, possess, or use specialized spy equipment for espionage activities. Specialized espionage equipment shall be confirmed by the national security authorities in accordance with regulations.

Global Times 

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 03:14:20
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