Japan hypes Chinese 'recon activities' amid US

娱乐Japan hypes Chinese 'recon activities' amid US已关闭评论 642阅读模式
WZ-7 high-altitude reconnaissance drone Photo: CCTV News WeChat account

WZ-7 high-altitude reconnaissance drone Photo: CCTV News WeChat account

Japan hyped intensified Chinese "reconnaissance activities" amid a US-led trilateral exercise in South Korea. The joint drills on China's doorstep not only show off force against North Korea amid its recent agreement on a security pact with Russia, but also target China, experts said on Wednesday.

A WZ-7 reconnaissance drone of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Tuesday hovered over the East China Sea, Japan's Ministry of Defense Joint Staff said in a press release on the same day. 

This is not the only Japanese report on PLA reconnaissance activities recently. On Monday, it also claimed a PLA Navy intelligence reconnaissance ship had sailed from the Sea of Japan via the Tsugaru Strait into the West Pacific from Sunday to Monday, after it entered the Sea of Japan from the East China Sea via the Tsushima Strait on Friday. Another PLA Navy intelligence reconnaissance ship sailed from the Philippine Sea into the East China Sea via the Miyako Strait on Saturday, according to a separate press release by Japan's Ministry of Defense Joint Staff on Monday.

Japan hyping the Chinese reconnaissance activities came at a time when the USS Theodore Rooseveltnuclear-powered aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea on Saturday for a trilateral exercise with Japan.

AP reported on Sunday that the drills are aimed at North Korea, which recently agreed on a security pact with Russia.

The RooseveltCarrier Strike Group also participated in a three-way exercise with South Korea and Japan in the East China Sea in April with China in mind, AP noted.

In the past, the US mostly held drills separately with Japan and South Korea, which targeted China, Russia or North Korea. But this time, the trilateral exercise involves all three countries, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

As a country from outside of the region, the US is stirring up tensions on the Korean Peninsula, putting pressure on Russia's Far East, and strategically encircling China in one move, which severely harms peace and stability in the region, analysts said.

In order to understand their intentions, their methods as well as what weapons and forces are involved, China must keep an eye on these drills, which are taking place on China's doorstep. China must also be ready to respond, Fu said.

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 12:31:20
  • 转载请注明:http://n1r6r0.uurk.cn/news/380f399292.html


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