Effective disinfection required following anthrax cases on Shandong farm

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Bacillus anthracis,<strong></strong> the pathogen that causes anthrax  Photo: website of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Bacillus anthracis, the pathogen that causes anthrax Photo: website of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

In a cattle farm in East China's Shandong Province, there were several cases of anthrax, which have raised the public's attention. Chinese expert Zhang Wenhong said it is crucial to address the potential contamination of anthrax bacillus in the environment, including implementing effective disinfection measures and monitoring.

Zhang, director of the infectious diseases department at Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, highlighted the importance of prioritizing the safe disposal of diseased animals and administering anthrax vaccines for animals in affected areas to prevent further spread of the disease, via an article released by Huashan Hospital's WeChat account on Sunday.

Five farm workers who had direct contact with the infected livestock were diagnosed with cutaneous anthrax, displaying mild symptoms. They have all been isolated and are receiving treatment, and the remaining close contacts have been strictly monitored, with no further infections reported, according to a statement released by Yanggu county, Shandong Province on Friday.

Humans can become infected through contact with diseased animals or animal products. Anthrax is treatable as a bacterial infectious disease, and high-dose antibiotics are effective in treating it, according to the article released by Huashan Hospital on Sunday. 

Due to the low incidence of infection cases in humans during recent years, young doctors may lack experience in diagnosing the disease. It is crucial to educate medical professionals in rural and animal breeding areas about anthrax, including its transmission, symptoms and risk factors, Zhang noted.

Farmers, herders and veterinarians who have frequent contact with animals should seek medical advice if they experience any related symptoms, said Zhang.

Anthrax is difficult to eradicate in the natural environment, and prevention relies on vaccines and post-exposure prophylaxis, said Wang Xinyu, deputy director of Huashan Hospital's infectious disease department.

Global Times
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 01:30:50
  • 转载请注明:http://n1r6r0.uurk.cn/news/35b399637.html

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