China kicks off nationwide special rectify action on artificial breeding of terrestrial wildlife

热点China kicks off nationwide special rectify action on artificial breeding of terrestrial wildlife已关闭评论 77阅读模式
A Siberian tiger is <strong></strong>pictured at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Nov. 17, 2023.  (Photo: Xinhua)

A Siberian tiger is pictured at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Nov. 17, 2023. (Photo: Xinhua)

A nationwide special action is underway in China to investigate and rectify artificial breeding of terrestrial wildlife in the country until September 30, Chinese National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) confirmed on Thursday, according to news portal The Paper. 

The action reportedly followed the deaths of 20 Siberian tigers - an endangered species under China's top-class state protection framework - as well as some other rare animals in recent years in a wild animal zoo in Fuyang, East China's Anhui Province. The deaths sparked public concern and discussions on animal protection, with many calling for better treatment of animals.

An insider from the wildlife conservation department of the NFGA whose name was not given told The Paper that the document of the action has been issued to relevant authorities across the country. The NFGA has also been conducting similar rectification actions irregularly in the past according to the provisions of China's Wildlife Protection Law in order to investigate and rectify the artificial breeding of nationally protected wild animals, the insider said.

"This kind of action has always been ongoing because the principles stipulated in the Wildlife Protection Law clearly prioritize protection, regulate utilization, and strict supervision no matter during the procedure of artificial breeding or exhibitions," the insider was quoted as saying. 

The insider also said that tigers are flagship species among China's key protected wild animals and have always been a focus of special rectification actions. The shocking incident of the death of 20 Siberian tigers in Fuyang is one of the reasons for launching this year's special rectification action on the artificial breeding of terrestrial wild animals such as tigers. The insider said that NFGA aimed to find out whether similar problems still exist in domestic artificial breeding of wild animals through this year's special rectification action.

According to screenshots of the above-mentioned document revealed by the media, during the special rectification action, the acceptance of administrative license applications for the artificial breeding and source of nationally protected terrestrial wild animals such as tigers will be suspended. 

According to the document, the forestry authorities at provincial-level would immediately organize inspections of relevant institutions in their jurisdictions to clarify the types, quantities, ownership, breeding records, and pedigree files of nationally protected terrestrial wild animals, verify their administrative licenses and documents, determine the legality of their business activities and the sources of terrestrial wild animals; inspect the facilities, professional personnel, and evaluate whether the conditions and technical capabilities of the breeding and exhibition sites of terrestrial wild animals meet technical standards and requirements, check the living conditions of the terrestrial wild animals being raised. 

The authorities would also inspect various management systems and emergency plans of these institutions, evaluate the actual implementation of relevant regulations and systems, identify existing problems and risks; check whether safety management measures such as escape prevention and disease prevention are in place, and plug management loopholes that endanger the safety and health of terrestrial wild animals and public safety, read the document. 

The document requires all provinces and regions to strictly investigate and deal with various problems found during the inspection in accordance with the law, improve dynamic supervision and death reporting systems.

Many places across the country have been moving after receiving the document, according to media reports. 

On Monday, the forestry bureau of the Yixian county in Huangshan, Anhui, announced that they organized a special rectification action on the artificial breeding of terrestrial wild animals such as tigers, focusing on a comprehensive survey of all terrestrial wild animal breeding and feeding units in the jurisdiction. On June 7, officials from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous regional forestry and grassland bureau had conducted special research on the artificial breeding of terrestrial wild animals in the Tongliao city.

On May 27, the provincial forestry bureau of Central China's Hunan Province issued management measures for the artificial breeding and utilization of terrestrial wild animals in the province. On May 28, the provincial forestry and grassland bureau in Southwest China's Yunnan also released a draft for similar measures and open it for solicitation of public opinions. 

Global Times
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 08:28:36
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