Father surprises son by showing up at kindergarten playing Ultraman

时尚Father surprises son by showing up at kindergarten playing Ultraman已关闭评论 9阅读模式
A video circulating on China's Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo shows that on Sunday,<strong></strong> two days before the traditional Chinese festival of Mid-Autumn Festival, an 'Ultraman' suddenly appeared at a kindergarten classroom in Huangshi, Central China's Hubei Province, performing a roller skating show, ushering in a burst of applause from the children. Photo: Sina Weibo

A video circulating on China's Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo shows that on Sunday, two days before the traditional Chinese festival of Mid-Autumn Festival, an 'Ultraman' suddenly appeared at a kindergarten classroom in Huangshi, Central China's Hubei Province, performing a roller skating show, ushering in a burst of applause from the children. Photo: Sina Weibo

A father gave his son an unforgettable birthday present before the Mid-Autumn Festival - he suddenly showed up at his son's kindergarten class, disguised as the animated hero Ultraman to perform, and prepared a birthday cake for his son.

A video circulating on China's Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo shows that on Sunday, two days before the traditional Chinese festival of Mid-Autumn Festival, an 'Ultraman' suddenly appeared at a kindergarten classroom in Huangshi, Central China's Hubei Province, performing a roller skating show, ushering in a burst of applause from the children.

After the performance, the "Ultraman" said he was looking for a young Ultraman among the children. The father, surnamed Li, then invited his son to the podium and took off his headgear, his son was very surprised.

"I usually work out of the town. I really miss him," when asked why he decided to play Ultraman, Li explained, "I just wanted to give him a surprise in this way, so that he has unforgettable childhood memories."

Many netizens were touched by Mr. Li. One netizen wrote on Sina Weibo, "With such a good father, his son will definitely have a happy childhood."

Global Times
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 10:25:47
  • 转载请注明:http://n1r6r0.uurk.cn/news/153a399519.html


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