Partnership with China built on 'mutual respect, shared interests'

综合Partnership with China built on 'mutual respect, shared interests'已关闭评论 46968阅读模式
Picture of Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

Picture of Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

Rwanda, like many other African countries, values its partnership with China, which is based on mutual respect and shared interests; the two countries' collaboration has led to tangible results, especially in poverty reduction, infrastructure development and other areas, Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who is in Beijing for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), told the Global Times. 

Kagame has visited China multiple times and attended the 2006 and 2018 Beijing summits of the FOCAC. 

"FOCAC has been a key platform for deepening the partnership between China and Africa. China's approach to Africa, characterized by sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, resonates strongly with Rwanda's values," Kagame told the Global Times. 

China has proven to be a reliable friend and partner, supporting Africa's development without imposing its will. "This model of cooperation is one that we deeply appreciate and seek to continue," the president said. 

China-Rwanda collaboration "has led to tangible results, especially in poverty reduction and infrastructure development," said Kagame. 

He noted that China has become one of Rwanda's largest trading partners, and the two countries have deepened cooperation across various fields, including trade, agriculture, green development, and digitalization.

"The Belt and Road Initiative has played a crucial role in enhancing Rwanda's infrastructure and promoting sustainable development," said Kagame. He said projects such as roads in different corners of Rwanda and in the City of Kigali, Institute of Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) Musanze campus in the Northern Province of Rwanda, and the Nyabarongo II Hydropower Plant, have had a direct impact on improving livelihoods and supporting economic growth. 

"Looking forward, we see potential for further cooperation in areas such as digital economy, renewable energy, and agricultural modernization," Kagame noted. 

Kagame has visited several Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. He said what impressed him the most is the scale of development and modernization, particularly in infrastructure and technology, which serves as an inspiration for Rwanda's own development journey.

Both Rwanda and China share a history of overcoming immense challenges to achieve significant progress, said Kagame, noting that in terms of governance, both countries prioritize long-term planning, social stability, and the well-being of their citizens. 

He said China's model of development offers inspiration for Rwanda, while also noting the challenge for Rwanda is to adapt these experiences to unique context. Localization of Chinese experiences requires careful consideration of cultural, social, and economic realities," said the Rwandan President. 

Kagame envisions Rwanda becoming a middle-income country, with a diversified economy driven by innovation, technology, and high-value sectors in the next 10 years. On the global and African stage, Rwanda aspires to be a leader in peacekeeping, environmental sustainability, and regional integration and will continue to play a constructive role in African development, contributing to the continent's progress and standing as a strong advocate for African interests in international forums, the president added.

Kagame said the claims of "debt traps" and "new colonialism" are often unfounded and reflect a misunderstanding of the nature of China-Africa cooperation. "Rwanda, like many other African countries, values its partnership with China, which is based on mutual respect and shared interests," said Kagame, noting that "we believe in evaluating partnerships based on their actual outcomes, and our approach to cooperation is one that emphasizes sovereignty, self-reliance, and the pursuit of win-win outcomes."

As the voices of the Global South grow stronger on the international stage, it is essential for China and Africa to continue to strengthen their unity and cooperation, said Kagame. He said China's commitment to being a member of the Global South and aligning its interests with those of developing countries is commendable. 

"Together, we can work to ensure that our collective voice is heard in multilateral forums, advocating for a more just and equitable global order," said the Rwandan President. 

By highlighting the beauty of Rwanda and the hospitality of its people, Kagame said the country welcomes more visitors from China. He noted the two countries should promote cultural exchanges, educational partnerships, and tourism initiatives, while also enhancing mutual understanding and awareness.   

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 10:22:45
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