Chinese duo defend canoe sprint title, setting new Olympic record

焦点Chinese duo defend canoe sprint title, setting new Olympic record已关闭评论 15阅读模式
Xu Shixiao (left) and Sun Mengya celebrate after winning the gold medal. Photo: Xinhua

Xu Shixiao (left) and Sun Mengya celebrate after winning the gold medal. Photo: Xinhua

China's Xu Shixiao and Sun Mengya defended their Olympic title in the women's canoe double 500m final at the Paris Olympics on Friday.

The pair stormed to victory with an Olympic best of 1 minute and 52.81 seconds, 1.49 seconds ahead of Ukraine's Liudmyla Luzan and Anastasiia Rybachok. Canada's Sloan Mackenzie and Katie Vincent took the bronze.

From the heats and semifinals to the final, they broke the Olympic record three straight times, underlining their dominance in the canoe sprint event. 

Despite tailwinds creating some of the roughest conditions yet, Xu and Sun had an impressive start. However, the Canadian team kept the competition tight before falling behind in the final stretch.

Since pairing up in 2019, the Chinese duo have maintained an undefeated record in major international competitions. They have won three consecutive Canoe Sprint World Championships and claimed the gold medal in the sprint event at the Tokyo Olympics, marking the first-ever Olympic gold for the Chinese canoe spring team. 

Reflecting on her Olympic journey, Xu said winning gold at the Tokyo Olympics could have marked a perfect ending to her career, but she felt a strong attachment to her nearly flawless partnership with Sun. 

"After the Tokyo Olympics, I could have retired, but I wanted to make my life even more fulfilling. Finding a great partner is rare, and I hope to stay with my partner and become the first women in canoe sprint to win Olympic gold in two consecutive Games," said the 32-year-old Xu, who plans to retire after the Paris Games. 

On Thursday, China's Liu Hao and Ji Bowen claimed gold in the men's canoe double 500m final. 

Team China secured qualification for all 10 events in the canoe sprint discipline for the Paris Games, underscoring China's strength and depth in the sport.
  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 03:30:29
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