Foreign coaches help Chinese athletes shine at Paris Olympics, earning praise from netizens

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The<strong></strong> Chinese rhythmic gymnastics team sit with their Russian coach Anastasia Bliznyuk at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, on August 10, 2024. Photo: VCG

The Chinese rhythmic gymnastics team sit with their Russian coach Anastasia Bliznyuk at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, on August 10, 2024. Photo: VCG

As spectators cheered and celebrated Team China's exceptional performance at the Paris Olympics, the presence of foreign coaches has sparked extensive discussion among Chinese netizens, with many praising their dedication.

During the Olympics, Chinese rhythmic gymnasts made history to win the country's first Olympic group all-around gold medal in Paris. It was the first time a team from outside Europe has won Olympic gold since the event was introduced at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. 

Anastasia Bliznyuk, serving as coach of the Chinese rhythmic gymnastics team, played a pivotal role in this historic victory, earning recognition and praise from many Chinese netizens and gymnastics enthusiasts.

Bliznyuk, a two-time group all-around champion in rhythmic gymnastics from Russia, has been coaching the Chinese team since 2022. With the ban on Russian athletes by the International Olympic Committee, Bliznyuk has realized her Olympic aspirations through the success of the Chinese team, according to media reports.

A video shared by Chinese netizens depicting Bliznyuk and head coach Sun Dan nervously empathizing with the competing Chinese team in a previous competition has been widely shared and discussed by Chinese netizens, with many expressing gratitude for the Russian coach's support.

One comment stated that that's probably why the Chinese rhythmic gymnastics athletes could win, because the coaches on the sidelines appeared to be competing themselves. 

After she took on her role as coach in China, Bliznyuk began learning Chinese to improve communication. Nearly three months later, she could express herself in Chinese and started coaching her team members in the language, according to Russia Today.

Welcoming attitude to China

Throughout the Paris Olympics, the Chinese sports delegation was supported by a total of 34 foreign coaches across over 20 sports, such as boxing and skateboarding. Additionally, numerous foreign experts and medical personnel were engaged in the preparation for the games. 

These professionals not only contributed to enhancing the athletic performance of Chinese athletes but also fostered strong bonds with everyone during the coaching process, according to media reports.

In the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Chinese sports delegation included a total of 51 foreign coaches, making up over 65 percent of the coaches in the delegation. These coaches hailed from 19 countries and regions including the US, Canada, Russia, France and Japan. 

The Chinese delegation's impressive qualification for all seven sports and 15 disciplines, competing in 104 out of 109 events, including 35 events for the first time at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, can be attributed to the country's openness to international coaching teams. This welcoming attitude has been instrumental in driving the growth and success of winter sports in China, according to the Beijing Daily.

Innovative training methods

Wang Dazhao, a Beijing-based sports commentator, told the Global Times on Monday that the foreign coaches are not only highly professional, but also dedicated, with a strong work ethic.

"The foreign coaches are accustomed to sharing their international insights and successes to guide our athletes, offering them valuable opportunities to broaden their horizons," Wang added. 

In terms of the technique of the Chinese rhythmic gymnasts, Bliznyuk said that she believes that Chinese rhythmic gymnastics schools have their unique characteristics, as they are characterized by synchronization, graceful movements and a distinctive Chinese style. If the rhythmic gymnastics schools of Russia and China were to join forces, even greater results would be achieved. 

Meanwhile, the Chinese female boxers also clinched a total of three gold and two silver medals, representing the best Olympic performance for Chinese boxing. In the lead-up to the Olympics, the Chinese women's boxing team enlisted the expertise of a coaching team from Cuba to refine and sharpen the techniques and tactics of the Chinese athletes. 

Li Qian, one of the Chinese boxers, said that the Cuban coaches provided valuable and practical expertise. Their main focus was to work on offensive tactics, with a more aggressive approach, as reported by the media. 

In an interview, Coach Raul Fernandez Liranza mentioned that the results are a culmination of the collective efforts of many individuals. He highlighted that his team conducted extensive research and preparation in the initial stages, followed by multiple overseas training sessions, competitions and exchanges in the later stages. "I hope we'll be in the same position in the next Olympics," he said.

Italian coach Patrizio Antonio Parcesepe helped distance race walker Yang Jiayu improve her endurance and acclimate to hot weather conditions. Yang won gold in the 20 kilometers walk at the Paris Olympics.

Yang said that she gained valuable insights from Coach Patrizio, and she also received words of encouragement from her coach during the Paris Olympics competition.

Alongside the players' training and China's established training system, foreign coaches have introduced innovative training methods and techniques. When introducing foreign coaches, Wang Chunlu, a former short track speed skating world champion, emphasized the importance of continuously learning and comparing different coaching approaches to find the training methods that work best for China's athletes.

When considering the ongoing trend of sports transcending national borders and becoming increasingly globalized, Shen Yi, a professor on international relations at Fudan University, highlighted that this evolution reflects the advancement of human society. Sports exchanges have played a crucial role in the global movement of talent in today's era of globalization, Shen added.

China's inclusivity and magnanimity are evident in its open-minded approach. "As China welcomes talent from all corners of the globe, everyone is expected to fulfill their role," Shen said. 

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-23 05:49:06
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